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Visitors 60
Modified 4-Jan-07
Created 4-Jan-07
29 photos

"Puccini at its best. What a stunning achievement"
"With this intriguing title North Star Opera explored aspects of Puccini who was a master at comprehending the complex emotions of life and death. A cleverly executed programme showed four extended scenes from the best known Puccini works, which were all concerned with the conflicting strong emotions of the title."

North Star Opera produces high quality opera in the North West of England with a small cast of invited singers (me among them).
I am photographer as well as chorus member and
occasional soloist (playing Spoletta and Schaunard on a couple of these shots)


Note on 6th & 7th June 2008 at Lytham there is revival of - "Puccini - Love, Passion, Death" - This splendid 2004 production always deserved a wider audience.

Thanks to Alan Shepherd who assisted with this photoshoot.
Tosca & ScarpiaTosca - Visi D'ArteTosca & ScarpiaTosca - "Take three men and a carriage"Tosca & CavaradossiPreparing for executionButterfly & PinkertonButterfly & SuzukiButterfly, Suzuki, Sharpless & Kate PinkertonButterfly, Suzuki, Sharpless & Kate PinkertonButterfly (& Dolor)La Boheme - Cafe Mamus - Act TwoLa Boheme - Cafe Mamus - Act TwoLa Boheme - Consumptive Mimi nearing her endMusetta - a final prayer!La Boheme - Reality slowly dawns on Rodolfo whose anguised cries end the operaPuccini as narrator (based on his letters to his librettist)Princess TurandotTurandotPrincess Turandot